Mom Appreciation

I love Mother’s Day. I know all year long I should show my appreciation to my mom. But some times I get so busy I forget to stop and say to my mom “thank you and I love you”. It wasn’t until I had my own kids that I started to understand and realize what my mom has done for me. All of the sacrifices and selflessness that goes into being a mom is incomparable to anything else. Most days I am a maid, cook, teacher, driver, etc, all on less than 6 hours of interrupted sleep. It is the most thankless job that most of the time goes unnoticed, but it is the most rewarding. At night when I’m tucking my kids into bed and they say “I love you mommy! You are the best mommy ever!”, everything I did all day was worth it.

To all the moms out there with babies, toddlers and little ones; I know you are exhausted and feeling impatient. I know you feel like all you do is get after your kids, tell them no and raise your voice. I know you dream of a full nights sleep without being woken up, and a cup of coffee fully drank before it gets cold. Being a mom is the least glamorous job ever. Most days you are dealing with spit up, throw up, poop, pee, runny noses, sticky hands, food smeared everywhere, a dirty house, tantrums, yelling and screaming, crying (you and the kids), whining and complaining, you haven’t showered and you’re still in your pj’s at 3:00pm. Who ever says it’s not hard work has not had children. Just know, that you are your kids hero. They love you more than they can tell you (because they don’t have the vocabulary for it yet) and you are doing a great job! Take in the small moments and enjoy them with a full heart. I love it when my son picks me a dandelion. Or when my daughter colors me a picture. And especially when they hug me and tell me they love me. Try to roll with the chaos. Haha! Just as I’m writing this, the back door was left open and a bee flew into the house. Oh well!

As for my mom, I will never out grow my mom. I am a grown woman with my own family and I still need my mom. I randomly text her or call her with questions. She still gives me advice and answers my questions. Last summer she was staying at my house and I was complaining that I wanted to plant some flowers but I had no idea how. She took me to Lowe’s and helped me pick out flowers and helped me plant them. With my moms help my backyard was transformed into something much more beautiful. I couldn’t have done it without her help.

My mom is the person responsible for the woman I am today. She raised me with strong morals and values. She taught me strength and compassion. She taught me to work hard always, then have fun – a lot of fun!  She was silly and goofy, at the same time teaching me manners, elegance and grace.  Because of her I feel equipped to raise my own children. She is the most amazing woman I have ever met. I feel honored that she is my mom and that I was raised by such an amazing woman.

Treat your mom extra special today. Give her a big hug and kiss, give her flowers, make her breakfast, do something special. Most importantly, tell her “I love you”!

I love you mom! Thank you for everything you have done and everything you do!

Happy Mother’s Day to all you AMAZING Momma’s!!!!!!!! What you do is amazing!!!
Sending so much love!! xoxo

I wanted to give you a few pictures of me and my mom, me with my kids, my mom with my kids; and it became a little excessive.  I couldn’t help myself!

I Buy Everything I Can On Amazon

It’s been a week since I’ve posted, and it’s been a looooong crazy week!  It started off with a trip to the ER (everyone is ok).  Then everyone in the family got sick all at the same time with a high fever cold/flu bug.  John and I got better in a couple of days.  Then the week ended with a visit to the doctor to find out Caleb has an ear infection and Sofia has pneumonia.  I am so happy last week is over and I’m starting a new week.

I normally do most of my shopping online.  With me being stuck inside all of last week, I really learned just how much I love shopping online.  Especially on Amazon!  They make shopping so easy and convenient and they always have the lowest price!!!  Even if their price is the same, you don’t pay tax so it’s actually cheaper.  I don’t have to leave the house and it’s delivered to me in 2 days.  Seriously amazing!!

So why do they have the lowest prices and why do the prices fluctuate?  After one phone call to them I found out all the answers.  They have thousands of retails, stores and individuals they get their products from.  With the volume of inventory they sell, it demands a competitive price.  Then they always sell the lowest price first.
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Date Your Husband

My husband and I have been married for 10 years.  Still after 10 years of marriage I love him so much.  If I could go back in time and have a redo, I would marry him all over again.  With so many divorces happening and people having the worst luck in love, I have to ask myself, what are we doing right?  We are just normal people, no better than anyone else.  Why are we still so happy being married to each other after 10 years?

Of course over 10 years we have had ups and downs, highs and lows, good times and bad.  We are by no means perfect.  In a marriage, the good times are always the easiest.  Who isn’t happy when everything in their life is going perfect?  But I’ve had to reflect on how we have gotten thru the bad.  There are a few key things that my husband and I always live by:
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My Life is Turned Upside Down

My husband came home today with news that his company is shutting it’s doors next week.  What does that mean for our family?  I don’t know!

My husband’s company is a family business started by his Grandfather over 60 years ago. Currently owned and run by his father and his 2 uncles (3 brothers).  My hubby has been working at the company since he was 15.  He started working summers in the packing and shipping department.  He moved his way through every department of the company because the plan was he would own the company one day.  He has been working full time at the company for over 8 years.  So this is not just a job loss.  It is a devastating loss of a family legacy.  A legacy that he had hoped his whole life of carrying on one day.
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A New Year, A New Look On Life!

As one year comes to an end and the next one begins I always take the time to reflect on my life. I think about this past year; all of its joys and heart ache, successes and failures. It’s important to think about our failures and not just our successes. Don’t ignore failure and push it under the rug, pretending they never happened. How else will we learn? Then I think about the upcoming year. It’s so fresh and new, with limitless possibilities. But how will we accomplish all we want to in this new year?  Without a road map we will get blown around where ever life decides to put us. This is why we make goals and plans, so we take control of our lives.

“I should be the leading lady in my own life.” (Kate Winslet in The Holiday)

When reflecting on my life I have to think about the different areas of my life: me personally, my family and my work. I some times do 3 separate lists of goals for each of these areas. Some times it is simply thinking about which area of your life needs the most attention.
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