GLAMGLOW Flashmud Brightening Treatment

GLAMGLOW FlashMud Brightening Treatment

I have always been a fan of GlamGlow masks.  I think they work amazingly and deliver great results to the skin.  Naturally, I was so excited when I saw they came out with a new one.  The new one is Flashmud Brightening Treatment.  Or if you are like me I call them by their color, this is the orange one.

Here is what Flashmud Brightening Treatment does for the skin:

  • Brightens, lightens skin
  • Creates most luminous, younger looking skin possible
  • Color-balanced & evens skintone
  • Skin appears more radiant & attractive

The directions say to use it on pre-exfoliated skin 3 days in a row when you first get it, then 2-3 times a week to maintain results.  I used the mask as directed 3 nights in a row before bed.  I would definitely use it on pre-exfoliated skin as directed as this is a little rough and will exfoliate your skin.  Leave it on for a minimum of 20 minutes then wash it off with warm water.

This mask may leave your skin a little red, so I recommend using it before bed.  The first time I used it I noticed minimal results.  The 2nd night I noticed a lot more results.  But I did notice my skin was feeling dry after using it 2 nights in a row.  Keep in mind my skin is very dry.  The 3rd night of using it I followed with Fresh Rose Face Mask (a moisturizing mask).  The combination of the 2 masks left my skin amazing!!

Results I noticed on my skin:

  • More even skintone
  • Brighter, more radiant skin
  • Natural, glow from within appearance
  • Lightening of dark spots

This mask works on all skin types.  If you are dry like me this mask may dry you out a little.  Using a moisturizing mask after will give you the best results.

If you are looking for a mask that brightens the skin I have not used one that compares to GlamGlow Flashmud Brightening Treatment!!!

The Best Under Eye De-Puffer

Benefit Puff Off

Over the last several months, pretty much since spring, my allergies have been out of control! (they say allergies in the midwest are are at an all time worst they have ever been-ugh!)  Combine that with a lot of traveling, getting sick several times and lack of sleep and I have had a less than ideal under eye situation.  On really bad morning I have woken up and my under eye is so puffy it looks like I was punched in the eye.

Applying cold can help with puffiness, but it can take 10-15 minutes of application to see any results.  Another issue I get along with puffiness is dryness and fine lines.  Dryness can come from allergies and fine lines is a direct result of puffiness.  Needless to say I have been on the search for a product that works effectively and quickly!

I ordered Benefit Puff Off out of desperation to find something that would work.  I honestly didn’t think it would work as good as it claims.  But it does!  The ironing tip seemed a bit cheesy (“so cheesy?” – name that show!).  But if it works it works!

How I apply it: In the morning I cleanse and moisturize, then apply ‘Puff Off’.  I squeeze a small amount out and dot it in several places in my under eye area.  I use the “iron” to gently smooth out the product, using little to no pressure, around my entire under eye area, from outer corner to inner corner.  I apply makeup as usual.

What it does for me: I notice almost immediate de-puffing results.  It also smooths the entire area, diminishing any fine lines and creating a satin like finish.  It dries instantly so I can immediately apply makeup.

Puff Off has been in my beauty travel bag everywhere I have gone in the last several months.  And it has be used on countless occasions at home.  If you are puffy for whatever reason; bad nights sleep, up to late, partying the night before, crying, reaction to a skin care product, etc, this will work wonders on you.

Sensitive, Irritable & Red Skin

Having sensitive or irritable skin is not a skin type, rather a skin condition.  The question is why and how to take care of it?  There are so many reasons for skin to be sensitive and get red.  Let’s go through all the reasons and hopefully you can figure out how to help your complexion.

Products you are using?  So many products have ingredients in them that are irritable and drying to the skin, even products labeled ‘sensitive’.  If you live with consistent red or irritable skin, changing the products you are using is a great place to start.

Eczema / Rosacea?  Having a mild case of eczema or rosacea can so often go undiagnosed.  Most will just think they have sensitive skin.  Look for signs like: redness on the cheeks, chest, arms (especially after a hot shower), small bumps or patches (some times rash-like), itchiness, enlarged nose (rosacea only).

Diet or Food Allergies?  “You are what you eat”.  We’ve all heard it and it’s so true.  Having a poor diet will come thru your pores and show on your skin.  Redness on the face is directly related to diet and hydration.  Also, so many of us have mild food allergies that we are unaware of, especially to dairy and grains.  Try eating a strict diet of protein, veggies and fruit and drink lots of water.  You will see a huge improvement in your skin.

External Conditions? No matter how well you take care of your skin, things like the climate and environment can take a toll on the skin.  Living in harsh winters or a heavily polluted city can be extremely hard on the skin.  If you have a living situation like this, your skin care routine is very important.  Cleanse and moisturize daily with sensitive products.  Use a serum in the morning before stepping outside.  This will create a barrier between your skin and the environment.

Just the way you are.  If none of these sound like your skin, but yet you have sensitive or irritable skin then it’s just they way you were born.  In this case, follow a skin care routine for sensitive skin.

How to take care of your skin:
Having sensitive skin I stay away from any main stream drug store brands.  As a whole they use low quality ingredients and fillers.  Even if my skin doesn’t get red or have a terrible reaction, at the very least my skin does get very dry from using drug store brands.  I purchase everything from a reputable place like Sephora or Lush.  If you are budget conscience, there are still a lot of great options.  Trader Joe’s has an amazing body wash for a great price.  Jason is another great inexpensive brand that you can find at Whole Foods and some grocery stores.

Cleanse and moisturize morning and night.  Applying a serum to the skin in the morning (before moisturizer) creates a barrier between your skin and any irritating free radicals in the air.  A serum can also help moisturize your skin all day long and keep the redness away.

When showering, do not take long hot showers; they are very drying and irritating to the skin.  Take shorter showers with luke warm water.  When washing your body don’t wash your arms and legs every day, this will help from them getting dried out.  Apply body lotion right away after the shower while your skin is still damp.  This will lock in the water and keep the skin hydrated.

I have sensitive skin and eczema and here are some of my favorite products to use:
Fresh Soy Face Cleanser (I use morning and night)
Fresh Lotus Face Cream or L’Occitane Divine Cream (use in the morning)
Fresh Seaberry Oil (use at night)

Lush Olive Branch Shower Gel
L’Occitane Cleansing Shower Oil
Body Lotion: KorresL’Occitane and anything from Lush

Clarisonic & Exfoliation

clarisonic & exfoliation

Cleansing the skin properly and exfoliating are both extremely important steps in a skin care routine.  I’m going to be straight forward; using a clarisonic does not exfoliate the skin, and exfoliating does not cleanse the skin.

Let me explain why:

The purpose of a clarisonic is to deep clean the skin; removing all dirt, oil and makeup that may otherwise be left behind when using just your hands.  The slight vibration of the clarisonic softens the skin to allow a deep cleansing of the skin.  Any dirt, oil or makeup trapped in pores will more easily be cleansed away.  Clarisonic is just for deep cleansing, it in no way exfoliates the skin.

The purpose of exfoliating is to remove dead skin cells off the surface of the skin, revealing fresh new skin.  Skin cells have a life of 28-45 days (depending on age).  Once they reach the surface they are at the end of their life cycle and are not looking as plump.  If they are left to sit on the skin surface they will make the complexion look dull and drab; and can cause clogged pores and break outs.  Exfoliating these dead skin cells off is extremely important for a clear glowing complexion. When exfoliating, this does not cleanse the skin.  It just removes dead skin cells.
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Summer Glowing Skin

Summer is my favorite time of year! I love being outside, sun dresses, swimsuits, ice cream cones and sunshine. Follow these easy steps to protect your skin and enjoy a healthy beautiful summer glow.

Moisturize with SPF. I started using Josie Maran daily moisturizer with SPF. I never know when I am going to be out in the sun longer than expected. It’s easy to forget sunscreen when I’m not planning a full day outside. It goes on a little thick because of the SPF in it, but once it soaks in it feels just like a normal moisturizer. Apply just like any other moisturizer, foundation can be applied on top.

Sunscreen. When you are in the sun always use sunscreen. I use Supergoop on my face and it’s amazing! It’s very lightweight, I don’t even feel it on once it soaks in. This can easily be applied under your foundation. For my body, I use whatever I pick up at Target or the grocery store. When spending a day outside reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.

Hats & Sunglasses. Wearing a hat is a great way to completely protect your skin. Shading your face and eyes is the only way to not get sun damage. Plus, there are so many great hats out right now that are so gorgeous! And don’t forget your shades. Squinting into the sun will only give you wrinkles around your eyes.

Lightweight Foundation. When I wear foundation in the summer I prefer it to be very lightweight. I’ve been using Hourglass skin tint and Dior Air, both have SPF. Laura Mercier makes a great tined moisturizer. She has always been my go to summer foundation in the past. I have also been loving Urban Decay Naked concealer, it’s lightweight with full coverage.

Prime. This Hourglass Veil primer is amazing! It creates a smooth, satin surface for applying foundation. It helps keep foundation from moving, even when you sweat.  I am obsessed with this Becca under eye brightening corrector!  This primer completely gets rid of dark circles and brightens the under eye.  It creates a smooth surface for applying concealer, so it won’t settle into lines.  Apply to clean skin before concealer.

Bronze and Glow. My makeup in the summer is always very simple. I want my skin to look healthy, bronzed and glowing. The hourglass bronzer gives a gorgeous bronzed look, then I use Becca Highlight in ‘opal’ and/or ‘moonstone’ for the perfect glow. If you have more mature skin (or any age), use the Hourglass highlight. It won’t settle in lines and gives a settle glowing from within look to the skin.

Lips. Don’t forget to protect your lips and keep them moisturized. Fresh makes a great sugar lip treatment with SPF, it comes in tons of colors.  These give your lips a natural tint.