My Favorite Winter Coats

This is the time of year when you need to get out your winter coat (unless you live in Florida or Texas).  I feel like a good coat is very important.  First off, you need to stay warm!!  Next, you wear your coat every single day and it’s the first thing (some times only thing) that other people see.  A nice coat is an investment, it will last you years.  Living in a cold weather climate I have several winter coats all for different occasions.  I like to wear a down coat for my more casual looks and a wool coat for nicer looks.  Check out my favorite coats (some of them are on sale!):


5 thoughts on “My Favorite Winter Coats

  1. it would be nice if all of your items were not so high end. Who buys coats that are $600 and up?? I went shopping for a coat on a $200 budget, and thought that was generous.

    1. In my experience, the warmest coat is one that is down filled, it’s long enough to cover your butt and it has a hood. I one in this exact style and it’s my every day coat all winter. I have a pretty wool coat for dressy events, but it’s definitely not as warm. Stay warm this winter!

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